Friday, December 19, 2008


I saw this on Digg and thought I had to pass it along here... though it certainly doesn't look like this is alive any longer.

What if you watch a film and whenever you pause it, you face a painting? This idea inspired Reza Dolatabadi to make Khoda. Over 6000 paintings were painstakingly produced during two years to create a five minutes film that would meet high personal standards. Khoda is a psychological thriller; a student project which was seen as a ‘mission impossible’ by many people but eventually proved possible!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


This is a pretty sweet graffitti-stop-motion-animation-thing. Watch it.

BLU's Site with video

Video hosted by Vimeo

Monday, February 11, 2008

Jan Svankmajer

This stuff is crazy.

Friday, February 8, 2008

James Jean Prada Ad

Despite the fact that this is for some lame fashion thing this is a pretty ad. I love James Jean's work and it's neat to see it animated.
